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New Research Output from Dr. O. O. Uzor, an IWIM Associate, on "Industrialisation and SME Development in Nigeria" (see the powerpoint presentation on his Research Programme for the Nigeria Country Workshop of 29/7/2009).
IWIM says good bye to Dr. Alabi: The Professors Karl Wohlmuth and Axel Sell said farewell to Dr. Reuben A. Alabi at the event of the Nigeria Country Workshop of IWIM that took place on July 29, 2009 from 10.30 am to 18.15 pm (see the programme, the abstracts of Dr. Alabis contributions , the Powerpoint Presentations and the photo gallery about the event). Dr. Alabi has worked for 20 months (from December 2007 to July 2009) as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Institute. The two professors emphasized in their speeches the high motivation and productivity, the scientific ethos, and the hard-working attitude of Dr. Alabi; they also praised the important research work that Dr. Alabi has performed in Bremen on the issues of "Education, Inequality and Poverty in Nigeria" (see the final report on the research activities by Dr. Alabi). Also the friendly, cordial and cooperative behavior of Dr. Alabi was mentioned by the two professors more informations...
Professor Karl Wohlmuth attended the High-Level Expert Group Meeting on “Agro-Industry Development, Regional Value Chains and Public-Private Partnerships in Africa” at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Expert Group Meeting on July 22 - 24, 2009 (organized in partnership with African Union, UNIDO and FAO) had the task to review and to assess background studies and recommendations to be submitted, discussed and considered at the Summit of the African Heads of State and Government on “New Agro-Industrial Development Strategies for Africa” to be held in Abuja, Nigeria in November 2009 (see the photos with Professor Wohlmuth and other delegates in the conference hall of the United Nations Centre in Addis Ababa).
Professor Karl Wohlmuth attended the High-Level Expert Group Meeting on “Agro-Industry Development, Regional Value Chains and Public-Private Partnerships in Africa” at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Expert Group Meeting on July 22 - 24, 2009 (organized in partnership with African Union, UNIDO and FAO) had the task to review and to assess background studies and recommendations to be submitted, discussed and considered at the Summit of the African Heads of State and Government on “New Agro-Industrial Development Strategies for Africa” to be held in Abuja, Nigeria in November 2009 (see the photos with Professor Wohlmuth and other delegates in the conference hall of the United Nations Centre in Addis Ababa).
Research Output Dr. Temesgen Kifle, The University of Queensland, Social Research Centre, Australia, formerly an IWIM associate with a PhD from the University of Bremen, has produced a new research paper on motivations of Eritrean remittance senders in Germany (see Number 116 of IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).
Professor Karl Wohlmuth nahm am GIGA Workshop zum Thema "Machtquelle Erdöl: außen-, innen- und wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderungen für Nettoexporteure" am 30. Juni 2009 in Hamburg teil. Der Workshop wurde von Prof. Dr. R. Kappel, Präsident des GIGA Hamburg, und von Dr. Matthias Basedau, Leiter des Forschungsschwerpunkts 2 des GIGA, geleitet.
Das IWIM hat zu der Thematik diverse Arbeiten publiziert (insbesondere die Bände 11 und 12 des African Development Perspectives Yearbook, und zwei Bände zum Thema Reconstructing Economic Governance in Resource-rich African Countries, den Band 15 der Schriftenreihe des IWIM und den Band 40 der Weißen Reihe des IWIM) (siehe die LINKS zu Jahrbuchreihe IWIM, LIT Jahrbuch, Schriftenreihe und Weiße Reihe)
The Nigeria Country Workshop of IWIM “New Researches on Development in Nigeria” takes place in Bremen on Wednesday July 22, 2009 (see the programme ). Registration of participants and guests is open. Please apply for participation directly to A. Tchokam ( and to Professor Wohlmuth (
La version française de l'avant propos du volume 14 de "L'Annuaire sur les Perspectives du Développement Africain" est disponible ici.
Deux décennies de "African Development Perspectives Yearbook" - un réseau international des projets sur le développement en Afrique (lire l'article).