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Bremen Africa Conference 2010: An International Conference on the theme “The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Economic Reform Processes in Africa” was held on January 28 -29, 2010, in the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen (see the programme). The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Hans H. Bass and Dr. Joy Alemazung, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Tobias Knedlik, Economist Researcher at IWH Halle, and by Dr. Osmund O. Uzor from IWIM as the Project Coordinator for the conference (see the statement by Professor Karl Wohlmuth in the Final Session of the International Conference). The four Organizers and the four members of the Scientific Committee (Dr. Reuben A. Alabi, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria and Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Prof. Dr. Robert Kappel, University of Leipzig and Hamburg and President of the German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Dietwart Runte, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics and Business Administration, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and Prof. em. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth, IWIM, University of Bremen) will be the Editors of the forthcoming Volume 15 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook which is scheduled to appear in 2010 (see on the African Development Perspectives Yearbook Project). A summary of the Conference Results in the form of a Conference Policy Brief will appear in the next few weeks.
Guest Researcher at IWIM: Dr. Reuben A .Alabi attended the Bremen Africa Conference 2010 in the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen and then visited IWIM to discuss about new projects and researches with Professor Karl Wohlmuth. Dr. Alabi is preparing for further discussion papers for the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers (see his already published research papers on education, income distribution, and poverty in Nigeria as numbers 114 and 109 of the Series ). Also new projects, like the planned Conference for Researchers, NGO representatives and Policymakers on Education, Health and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria to be held in Ekpoma, Nigeria in December 2010 and to be organized by the Alli Ambrose University, Ekpoma, Edo State, and supported by the Africa Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, were discussed.
Research Output Dr. O. O. Uzor: Dr. Uzor has produced a new research paper on his Investment and SME Development (ISMED) Model and the relation to Public-Private Partnerships in the Promotion of Agro-Industrial Clusters in Nigeria. The paper is titled “The ISMED Model and Public – Private Partnerships in the Promotion of Agro-Industrial Clusters in Nigeria” and has appeared as the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Paper Number 118, January 2010 (access the paper).
Research Output by Professor Karl Wohlmuth: An article on the role of the Emerging African Markets in the World Economy was published recently in “Berichte”, January/February 2010, as well as an article about the 20 years of cooperation between the Research Institute of the IWVWW and the IWIM in the same issue of the journal; Professor Wohlmuth is a member of the executive board of the IWVWW e. V. (see on the activities of IWVWW their homepage: and ).
Professor Dr. Reuben A. Alabi from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria was awarded a returnee fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to do one year of research on “Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis of Public Spending on Health Services in Nigeria”. This research will be done in close association with Professor Karl Wohlmuth from IWIM, Faculty of Economics, University of Bremen. Dr. Alabi has spent 18 months at IWIM to research on “Education, Poverty and Inequality in Nigeria” (see his most recent publications in the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).
Mister Berhanu Denu, Lecturer at Addis Ababa University and Guest Researcher at IWIM, University of Bremen, will present his major PhD research findings on “Institutions and Investments in South Sudan: An Institutional Economics Perspective” at the International Sudan Studies Conference, 2009, at the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa, 25 - 28 November 2009 (see the programme: See also the most recent paper written by Berhanu Denu on “The Post-War Reconstruction Process in South Sudan” (SERG Discussion Papers Number 37).
Programme of and Call for Additional Papers for Sudan Country Workshop on December 9, 2009 (see further information and photo gallery)
Gastvortrag von Herrn Berhanu Denu, Addis Ababa University : "Institutionen und Investitionen im Südsudan. Ein institutionen-ökonomischer Ansatz" am 11. November 2009, 16-18 Uhr (siehe Einladung). Das Seminar wurde von den Professoren Karl Wohlmuth und Axel Sell geleitet. Herr George Katete von der Moi-Universität in Eldoret, Kenia, derzeit Gastwissenschaftler an der Universität Bremen und Stipendiat der Volkswagenstiftung im Projekt „Regierungsführung im Sudan nach dem Friedensabkommen“, hielt das Korreferat (siehe Fotos). Ausführlicher werden die Themen des Seminars beim Sudan Country Workshop des IWIM am 9. Dezember 2009 diskutiert.
New Guest Researcher at IWIM: Mister Berhanu Denu from Addis Ababa University is a new guest researcher at IWIM who was received for a two months stay (see his CV). Mister Berhanu is Lecturer at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopa and he researches on his PhD work on "The role of institutions in improving the performance of investment in Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005". The theme of Institutions and Investment in South Sudan is of great importance for the reconstruction of the economy of South Sudan after the civil war (see the synopsis). Supervisor of the research project is Professor Karl Wohlmuth. (see more information).
A New Globalization Index for Developing Countries. The book by Sebastain Ebenthal is the dissertation he has written at IWIM under supervision of the Professors Karl Wohlmuth and Martin Missong. See: Sebastian Ebenthal, Messung von Globalisierung in Entwicklungsländern: Zur Analyse und Gestaltung der Globalisierung, Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe V: Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft, Band/Volume 3345, Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, ISBN 978-3-631-59494-0, 269 Seiten.