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Research Output Professor Karl Wohlmuth: World Economic Crisis – Globalization – Global Employment Crisis – Challenges for the Reform of Labour and Employment Policies in Japan and in Germany, published in the Blue Series of IWIM, Number 115, June 2009, 55 pages (see PDF); this study is a revised version of the paper presented at the conference of German and Japanese Economists on The Flexibilization of Labour Markets between Globalization and the Global Economic Crisis: Comparing Japan and Germany which took place on June 5, 2009 at the University of Applied Sciences, Bremen; the conference was headed jointly by Professor Dr. Hans-Heinrich Bass, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany and by Professor Dr. Toshihiko Hozumi, Aichi University, Toyohashi, Japan; hard copies of this paper and of other papers in the Blue Series can be ordered at IWIM.
Research Output Mister O. O. Uzor, PhD student from Nigeria: In his doctoral dissertation, defended recently, with the title Clusters, Networks and Innovation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: The Role of Productive Investment in the Development of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria Mister Uzor has brought together in theoretical and empirical analyses the three interrelated issues of clusters, networks and innovation activities for the Nigerian SME sector; policy implications and an Agenda for Action to improve the performance of the Nigerian SME sector were as well outlined; the study is also of relevance for other African and developing countries when redesigning policies for their SME sectors (see the short synopsis); the doctoral dissertation was supervised by Professors Karl Wohlmuth and Axel Sell from IWIM; other related studies from the author can be accessed and downloaded (see IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers).
The Business Guide Germany Africa 2009/2010 has just appeared, published by Wegweiser GmbH Berlin, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and in association with, AHK, Germany Trade & Invest, and BDI; Professor Karl Wohlmuth has contributed as an author with the article Emerging Markets – Die afrikanischen Staaten in der Weltwirtschaft (Emerging Markets – The African States in the World Economy); the report is intended to facilitate economic and business relations between African and German enterprises; the new report will be launched at an Economic Roundtable and a meeting for the press in Berlin on July 15, 2009; a long version of the article by Professor Wohlmuth is published with a Summary in English as the Number 117 in the IWIM Blue Series Discussion Papers.
Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth participated in an Expert Group Meeting that took place on 8 – 9 June, 2009 at UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna on the issue of Adding Value to Africa’s Agro-Industry and Trade. The purpose of the Expert Group Meeting was
a) to discuss new industrial development concepts and strategies for a background paper to be submitted for the High-level Conference on Development of Agribusiness and Agro-Industries in Africa scheduled to take place late 2009 in Abuja, Nigeria, and
b) to prepare as a team of experts the work for a major background study on the theme of Value Addition to Africa’s Industry and Trade.
Call for Papers
Nigeria Country Workshop: "New Researches on Development in Nigeria"
Time: July 22nd, 2009, 10 am to 17 pm
Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, University of Bremen
Purpose: It is the purpose of the workshop to present new research results on development in Nigeria for three core issues (education and poverty; small industries and industrialisation; globalisation and development).
New researches at IWIM on development in Nigeria will be presented by three speakers on the following themes:
1. "Income Distribution, Education and Poverty in Nigeria"
Speaker: Dr. Reuben A. Alabi2. "Networks, Clusters and Innovation in Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Industries"
Speaker: Dr. des. O. O. Uzor3. "Applying a New Globalisation Index to Development Problems of Nigeria".
Speaker: Dr. des. S. EbenthalThe speakers will present full papers of their researches. Related researches by the speakers can be downloaded here. Participation of guests is welcomed upon application. Related researches can be presented by the guests in short statements. Guests can also become discussants of presented papers.
Contact: Professor Karl Wohlmuth (
Administration of the Workshop: Research Assistant: A. Tchokam
Dr. Reuben A. Alabi, A. v. Humboldt Research Fellow at IWIM, gave a mid-term report about his research on "Progressivity of Education Spending in Nigeria" (see foto). See also the related studies by Dr. Alabi here. Full evidence about the research programme will be presented at the Nigeria Country Workshop on July 22nd, 2009 about "New Researches on Development in Nigeria". Researches will be presented on three themes:
1. "Income Distribution, Education and Poverty in Nigeria",
2."Networks, Clusters and Innovations in Nigerian Small Industries", and
3."Applying a New Globalisation Index to Nigeria".
Research Output S. Ebenthal: New Globalisation Index for Developing Countries Is Available (See Information..). Related studies from the author can be downloaded here.
Einladung zum Doktorandenkolloquium Weltwirtschaft: Vortrag und Diskussion zum Thema "Progressivity of Education Spending in Nigeria", Dr. Reuben A. Alabi, A. v. Humboldt Research Fellow, at IWIM, am 29. April 2009, 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr, Hochschulring 4, Rotunde 3/3. Etage. Die offizielle Einladung und das Thesenpapier finden sie hier
Zwanzig Jahre „African Development Perspectives Yearbook” – ein internationales entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerkprojekt Mehr...
Governance and Social Action after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement for Sudan of January 5, 2005: New Publications on Reconstruction, Development and Peace in Sudan by Dr. Samson Samuel Wassara, Project Applicant Phase II and Project Partner Phases I and II, Juba University, Khartoum/Juba, Sudan (For more Information).”